Release Notes Cloud Update 2023-02 - Android 14 support
New Features
Android 14 Beta 1 support
Bugfix & Improvements
Mobile Studio Toast messages are added to indicate the completion of SimulateCapture in Android devices.
Set Network Connection - Airplane Mode (Grid - Android) Executing setNetworkConnection to switch to airplane mode will now switch Wi-Fi as well.
Permission Flags (Android): You can now install apps with instrumentation that will have attribute android:usesPermissionFlags in its manifest.
Test Property (Appium Server): You can now use the addTestProperty command to add a custom property to a test. The property and its value will appear in the Reporter and reports.
WebDriver.IO: Added instructions on how to properly set up and run WDIO tests on the QuickStart page.
Device Selection in Appium: When using a generic deviceQuery, a device will be selected in the following order: A device which is opened in Mobile Studio Automation → A device which is open in Mobile Studio Manual → A device which is reserved by the user → the first matching device available from the least-loaded DHM.
Keep Data (Android): You can now install an app to upgrade an existing installation without losing its data using keepData=true
Removing an application in IntelliJ: We've fixed a bug that prevented the removal of an installed application with the IntelliJ plugin
Fingerprint Instrumentation (Android 12): You can now add fingerprint instrumentation to apps that has the new android:exported to true.
ADB restrictions affecting Android app installation: We have fixed the android app installation failures in grid tests that was caused due to adb restrictions set in project level.
Set Network Connection failure (Grid - iOS): Failures to run setNetworkConnection on iOS 16 devices have been fixed
VoiceOver will turn off upon releasing with other cleanup options