Mobile Device Cloud AI4Test Quality & Intelligent Automation Our expertise Blog Categories Mobile Device Cloud Testing with artificial intelligence Quality & Intelligent Automation Support First steps EN DE EN DE Services Mobile Device Cloud Functions at a glance Rates in comparison Target group Automation & Frameworks Benefits Devices in the MDC First steps with the MDC Pricing & Order AI4Test Overview Details How it works Use cases Benefits Pricing & Request Quality & Intelligent Automation Processes Efficiency Solutions Benefits Expertise Request Our expertise Best practice Experts Partners Blog Blog Categories Release Notes Appium Automatisierung Webportal Pricing & Order Mobile Device Cloud Testing with artificial intelligence Quality & Intelligent Automation Help Support Contact FAQ First steps Registration and order Use of the Mobile Device Cloud

My first steps

Registration and order Use of the Mobile Device Cloud

First login

How do I register?

Reserve device

How do I reserve a device in the MDC?

Upload app

How do I load my app onto the reserved device?

Run test

How do I run my test on the reserved device?

Retrieve results

How do I retrieve the results of the performed test?

Reserve device

How do I reserve a device in the MDC?

After logging into the Mobile Device Cloud, you can see the available devices. The list of devices can be filtered, e.g. by operating system and version. Select your favorite device from the list and click on "Open". Another window opens and the connection to the device is established. After a short waiting time, the device is ready for manual use.

Mobile Device Cloud

If you would like to reserve a special device for a specific test period, you can select a corresponding time slot using "Reserve". Under "Reservations" you will find an overview of your reservations and can also cancel your reservation.

Mobile Device Cloud