Manual & automated testing
Testing with artificial intelligence
We test your software product

Certified Quality

Automation solutions for your future

With our certified expertise in the areas of software testing, process automation, monitoring, security and accessibility, we are able to optimally support you in optimizing your software development and work processes. Our services include, among others:

Support for the initial project setup for your test automation Test automation in general Test performance Usability & accessibility tests and many other services
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Reliable software

and digital processes

We advise and support you in the development of the test concept suitable for you, test strategies for planning and implementation of software tests according to ISO 25010 as well as questions about security, performance, usability and digital accessibility. Today’s software development is a constant adaptation process: New functions are implemented quickly and agilely or errors are corrected. The system landscape is more complex than ever: Digital applications are linked, cloud services integrated, mobile versions provided. And these new challenges are also found in the operation of the application. Stable, reliable and secure applications ultimately decide on success when used in the employee or customer environment. In order to meet this requirement, it is necessary to consider measures for quality assurance of applications from the beginning of software development to operation and to build them in as an elementary element. For more efficiency in your software development but also to relieve your specialists, we develop innovative automation solutions for software tests, application monitoring and process automation through Robotic Process Automation for you.

As a software testing laboratory certified by the Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) for the multimedia industry according to DIN EN ISO/ IEC 17025, we support you with the necessary know-how and test procedures.

More efficiency

in software testing and operation of applications


IT solutions

By the end of 2021, 75% of all commercial enterprise applications in companies will work with the support of AI.* We are also happy to support you in making your software development and work processes more efficient. In addition, we test your applications for security, accessibility, mobile optimization and performance. We work together with you to determine where you can optimize your applications and what a suitable quality concept for your IT landscape looks like.


Test Automation

Automated web and software tests

Shorten the time for software tests and deliver new reliable releases quickly and agilely. Test automation ensures stable and transparent software development and thus supports the agility of your development processes. Discover our customer-specific solutions in the field of test automation now.

Test Automation *
Test Automation Platform *
Mobile Test
Test automation for ERP and CRM *
AI in the test environment
Test services *
Test management & test consulting *

Robotic Process Automation

Process optimization with RPA

Use RPA to reduce your time spent on recurring, manageable tasks and create resources for business-relevant tasks. Our solutions in process automation can be combined with your software and integrated into it. Also use our Robot-as-a-Service if you do not have your own RPA platform. Benefit from the versatile application possibilities, an optimal design of your workflows and further potentials through Robotic Process Automation.


Application Monitoring and Performance Tests

Monitoring enables you to monitor systems and applications in order to avoid malfunctions or to be able to rectify them as quickly as possible. We ensure a smooth implementation of the monitoring tools in your infrastructures. Convince your customers with secure performance and benefit from our IT monitoring and analysis solutions as well as individual performance tests.

Application Monitoring *
Load & Performance Monitoring *
Dynatrace Monitoring *
Monitoring Data Enrichment *

Certified Security

for your software and web applications

With our security solutions, you can check your software, applications and IT systems for vulnerabilities and protect them from attacks. As a BSI-certified security service provider, we support you with comprehensive security solutions both during software development, in live operation and in the event of a hacker attack. Whether continuous automated vulnerability scans, penetration tests, forensic analyses or emergency management - we are there for you.

Certified Security *

Digital Accessibility

UX and Digital Accessibility for all

Allow each of your visitors a better user experience. An accessible website not only provides a pleasant user experience, but also extends your reach due to satisfied customers. Improve your processes through efficient implementation of UX and design your web applications in compliance with BITV.

Digital Accessibility *
Accessible IT *
Usability Test

* Target link only available in German

Our Benefits

for you


With future-oriented, innovative and tailor-made concepts, we find the corresponding solutions for growing IT requirements

Expertise & Satisfaction

With over 250 quality and security experts and more than two decades of experience in digital business, we offer you a wide range of expertise. Quality and reliability are reflected in the client: with 91% overall satisfaction of our customers.

Strong Partnerships

Strong structures and partnerships with renowned companies ensure know-how and communication on site.

Certified Quality & Intelligent Automation

Your experts for digital reliability

"As a software testing laboratory accredited by DAkkS with 250 quality engineers and security specialists, we ensure digital reliability of your business processes, applications and IT systems."
– Matthias Schneider, Head of Certified Quality & Intelligent Automation
* The accreditation only applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the certificate annex [D-PL-12109-01-00].

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